Sara Maamouri is an award-winning documentary film editor, born & raised
in Tunisia & based in San Francisco.
The documentaries that she has worked on have sceened at dozens of
festivals, won audience awards, and been distributed on all the
streaming services. Her work on The Judge was nominated for an Emmy, and
won a Peabody award.
Sara is multilingual and has edited films in Arabic, Italian, Spanish,
Greek, Turkish and Farsi . She continues to edit on a freelance basis
remotely for projects around the world, and is also available for
editorial and story consultation.
For Our Children
Editor, Writer
Premiered at San Francisco International,
Wanda Johnson and Angela Williams, mothers of young Black men victimized by police brutality, build community of support, mutual aid, and healing.
Sharp Edge of Peace
Premiered at Hot Docs,
Intimately follows the women on the Afghan government negotiating team as they try to broker a shared political structure with the Taliban.
Clarissa's Battle
Premiered at Human Rights Watch NYC,
Social Justice Warrior Clarissa Doutherd leads a tenacious battle to build a coalition fighting for child care and early education funding.
The Judge
Premiered at TIFF Docs,
Emmy Nominated, and a Peabody Award Winner! Follows the Middle East's first woman judge to a Shari’a court. Official Selection for TIFF, IDFA, and Doc NYC
We Are Not Princesses
Premiered at Doc NYC,
Antigone, the rebellious heroine of the ancient Greek tragedy, brings together a group of Syrian women in Beirut. Selected for the IFP Filmmaker Labs
A Dangerous Idea
Premiered at Santa Fe Film Festival,
Reveals how scientists and policymakers have promoted the myth of the gene in America and rolled back gains on race, class, and gender equality
Revolution in Four Seasons
Premiered at Hot DOCS,
The cycle of events after the Arab Spring in Tunisia. Selected for Hot Docs and the Margaret Mead Festival
Twice Upon A Time
Premiered at Lebanese Film Festival,
Remembering a refugee childhood through the eyes of a younger generation. Won Best Documentary Award at the Lebanese Film Festival 2016
Amal's Garden
Premiered at Dubai International Film Festival,
Rebuilding a house, discovering a family. A beautifully expressive film that shows much more than it tells.
Music's Gonna Get You Through
Premiered at PBS,
ITVS Show about a New Orleans Jazz camp for young visually impaired musicians. First played on PBS in 2010.